Total White in Alberobello

Stress, stress, stress... How can one even describe stress? Stress is a constant in our lives that cannot be expressed. All we know about stress is: it is a state of mind to which everyone is subjected to at least once in a life time. When I think about stress, I think about negativity, mood swings, conflicts, and aversion. What I definitely don't think of is being POSITIVE. When I say to be positive, I do not mean: "I will try to convince myself that it will all be OK." This is underestimating the meaning of such action.


I love to read what all of you have to say. Keep writing and I will too. Kisses.
- Francesca

A Castle Without a Princess...

6/11/2014 5 Comments

There are many blogs on the web today and this may imply that uniqueness is not easy to find. However, what is often not seen as unique can be the main factor that distinguishes one blog from the other. For instance, I use my blog to talk about my life and my passions. I use my blog as a mean to release stress, personal issues, or just daily events that impact my life in some way. A blog could be anything, anything that the writer makes it be.


I love to read what all of you have to say. Keep writing and I will too. Kisses.
- Francesca

Trains and colors

6/09/2014 5 Comments

Summer is right around the corner! How have you guys been? I am enjoying every second of this weather. By the way, I am back in Italy now! Before I left Chicago, I decided to go out and take pictures. The setting? A semi-abandoned train station. When I say "semi", I mean that one railroad track is still active. Of course, I was not aware of this until a train passed by and made me jump in the middle of the photo-shoot! 

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I love to read what all of you have to say. Keep writing and I will too. Kisses.
- Francesca