WARBY PARKER: Half-Decade Collection

Hello guys! Today I want to start out with a video. I would love for you to watch it first and then read my post. Enjoy...

Today, after five years from its foundation, Warby Parker launches its Half-Decade Collection. The collection consists of five and a half shapes of glasses re-released in a limited-edition from their signature hue, blue, and engraved.

As you may have noticed from the video, Warby Parker caught my attention with its motto: 
"For every pair sold, a pair is distributed to someone in need."

This brand of glasses found the best way to combine the fashion business with charity. Indeed, Warby Parker sums up all the sold eye-wear and donates the same number of glasses to nonprofit partners every year. The nonprofit partners are then in charge of training men and women in developing countries to give basic eye exams and sell eye-wear to their communities at super affordable prices. Basically, Warby Parker gives the opportunity to both earn a living and afford glasses to the people in need. Isn't this amazing?

The glasses are also very inexpensive, as the founders come from the idea that glasses should meet all types of wallets and not only the richest ones. You guys should definitely check their prescription glasses here!

And remember, buy one pair and make someone happy! ALWAYS PRO CHARITY!


  1. Amazing frames! This collection is wonderful! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Beautiful sunglasses!

  3. Such a great cause it makes the sunglasses even prettier! x



  4. That is actually pretty impressive, love people with big hearts


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- Francesca